Under section 18 (z) of the Information and Communication Technologies Act 2001, the ICT Authority is the Controller of Certification Authorities in Mauritius. The Controller of Certification Authorities as the “Root” Authority certifies the technologies, infrastructure and practices of all the Certification Authorities (CA) licensed/recognised/approved to issue Digital Signature Certificates.
It is ICT Authority’s responsibility to monitor that certification-service-providers comply with the obligations imposed on them by law. In this respect, the Controller of CAs will maintain a publicly accessible database containing a CA disclosure record for each licensed/recognised/approved CA.
In order to enforce this role, the Mauritian PKI needs to be deployed with the CCA acting as the linchpin of this PKI. The Electronic Transaction Act 2000 (ETA), as amended, and its regulations, address the legal issues necessary for the proper deployment of PKI in Mauritius. This legal framework, in turn, sets the stage for a secure and pro-business environment for electronic commerce in Mauritius.
The ETA clarifies the rights and obligations of transacting parties by setting out provisions dealing with issues related to the formation of electronic contracts. It also gives legal recognition on the use of electronic records and signatures and their secure counterparts. The main features of the ETA are as follows:
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